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關於All Yoga

All Yoga 是一個國際性專業師資培訓機構,經過九年的努力已經開花結果,我們培訓及認證了(Yoga Aliance)來自世界各地超過2000名的瑜珈老師。 訓練瑜珈師資是我們主要的專長,這使我們有非常多訓練師資的經驗, 因為我們把所有的精力都放在研究, 如何來訓練瑜珈老師。 課程的內容,也不斷的精進提升。
我們有專業的國際師資團隊,每位老師都有自己的專業的強項各盡其責(體位法 瑜珈哲學 解剖學 瑜珈心理學 市場行銷 等等)。
今天All Yoga在世界各地提供以Ashtanga Vinyasa為基礎的師資班,無論你想成為一位瑜珈老師,或者只是想精進你的瑜珈練習 All Yoga是你值得信賴的機構。
All Yoga is the fruit of 8 years experience running yoga teacher trainings and certifying more than 1,000 successful yoga teachers from all around the world.
Today, All Yoga is a worldwide community of Yoga practitioners and schools offering Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Alliance Certification. We have locations throughout the world to serve our growing base of students that seek either to learn to be a yoga teacher or simply to deepen their own yoga practice.
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